Brazilian Zouk


Lambada is a mix of Maxixi, Forro, but above all Carimbo and  It became a huge hit at the end of the eighties but after a few years it almost vanished completely.  It was kept alive by just a small group of dancers.  The word “lambada” has multiple definitions and interpretations.  One interpretation is that it refers to the neck or head movements which are typical in the dance. Another interpretation  is that it is referring to the heavy beat in the music.

Around of the early nineties, people in Rio where dancing to Caribbean zouk music. On this music certain elements of lambada and Lambada Gafieira where used and with these elements  Brazilian zouk was born. The music is from the Caribbean, who also has its own dance style. In order to not confuse the two styles in this document, when we talk about Zouk we refers to this particular dance style as the Brazilian zouk style. Lambada, which has a revival through Brazilian Zouk is danced on Zouk music but also on Kizomba and other music with a typical slow, quick, quick beat. Lately many personal styles in Zouk and Lambada have been marketed as “new styles”, however if these remain personal styles or develop to become general dance styles history has to show.


Do you know this song or video clip?



Neo Zouk






Black Zouk/ R&B Zouk

Pasty Zouk

Rio Zouk


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